Wednesday, November 4, 2009

28 Oct 2009

Wow, this week was really great! We are really seeing alot of miracles here in the area! It is week 6, and well, I am starting to get really nervous that I might be transfered. After 7 and a half months, i think that I might be ready for a change.
Elder Aragao my son, is doing really great. He is starting to get into the hang of missionary work, and is starting to really like it. There are alot of teaching moments that I find with him, and alot of opportunties to learn.
He really doesnt talk that much about home with me, but I can tell he really misses his family. I found out that his mom isnt a member of the church, nor his dad. So that defintely must be really challenging. He has an older brother, that is going to start his mission at the end of this year too, so that is cool.
We are working with ALOT of people right now in our area. Our teaching pool is huge!! We have a ton of people that we are teaching and alot of them are progressing really well. We are meeting alot of special people this week, and I am nervous that I wont get to see alot of them get baptized because of the transfers. I am trying not to think about the transfers, because I dont want Elder Aragao to think that we dont need to work this last week. I told this that we are not allowed to talk about the transfers until Sunday night after planning.. haha, so we dont talk about the transfers. Tomorrow we have a huge blessing here in the mission, Elder Jensen of the seventy is coming to our mission!!!! It is going to be amazing! I am hoping that it is a full day event, but they aps arent really saying too much about it. Training has been a huge new experence for me, I really did like it, but I am not sure if I want to do it again. I know that I want to continue working my hardest and putting my trust in the Lord.
This week we are going to help Isabel and her daughters be baptized! It is going to be awesome! We have 3 baptisms this week, and they are people really special, the Lord is blessing this area so much! In 3 weeks the ward is going to move to a new location, where is it going to be amazing!!!! It is a new warehouse, but it is huge!! It is going to be about twice the size of the warehouse we use right now. There were 93 people at sacrament meeting this past week!! The ward only need 7 more people to recieve a new chapel!!! It will be amazing here in the area when they have a chapel, the work will explode!!! When I started here 7 months ago only the ward only had 60 people that were active, they ward was lost. It is so amazing to see the ward so happy and ready to recieve the blessings from the Lord. This past Sunday we had a ward council meeting, The Bishop asked me to give a talk about the importance of missionary work and establishing a ward missionary plan. After about an half hour talk, we all talked about the strengths and weakness of the ward, and the ward decided to set some really amazing goals for the ward! The goal is at the next stake conference, recieve a chapel!! So the missionary have to baptize at least 4 people every month, and re active 2 families!!! It will be AWESOME!! The work here is going awesome! I love Anhanguera, this ward defintely is my family!
Please continue to pray for me and my companion, that this week we can finish our transfer strong and be blessed from the Lord!
Hurrah for Israel!!
Elder Olsen

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