Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16 Sept 2009

Wow family,
this week was amazing. I am loving my life here in Brasil!!! This week we saw alot of miracles, and we are really excited for this next week!! Well sunday was amazing!! Milton and 2 of his daughters were baptized!! It was an amazing spirit. Almost all the ward stayed for the baptism and was really happy with our work. It was a little funny, because the Mom Ceclia was baptized 16 years ago, and now she is so happy that her family and daugthers are now members of the true Church of Christ. It was a little sad at the same time, Luana, the oldest daughter, who is 14, when the bishop announced that after the meetings we would have baptisms, she got really nervous and started crying, and started saying that she wasnt going to be baptized. AH!! it was so annoying, I was trying to talk to her with my companion about the importance of being baptized with her family, and accepting the sacrifice of Christ, but all the members were saying, oh if you dont wanna be baptized just wait... tal tal tal, ah, so the members did not help. So Milton and Ceclia were a little bit sad because Luana wasnt baptized with her family... It was a little funny, i mean, it really was, because i just pictured Janessa or Amanda crying not listening to their parents and not wanted to leave the bathroom.. So only the 3 were baptized, but it really was a great story.. all the members of the ward are really happy with the work of the Lord in the area... we are really seeing miracles every single day. I am so happy to be here in Anhanguera.. I am a little nervous, it is week 6.. and i have been here for 6 months... so I am really praying to stay here in the area. I LOVE IT! I know it is my first area, but still i wanna stay here!! I love it here so much. All the members are going to pray that I stay here haha. I am like a child to all the members. They all love me, and it would be extremely hard for me to leave the area.. But it is in the hands of the Lord. We are working with alot of people right now that are ready to be baptized in the next couple of weeks. They are all really special people, and we are finding the best ways to help people accept the gospel in their lives. The members are trusting us with their friends, realitives, and neighbors. We are really starting a boom here. When I started here, the average sacrament meeting was about 55 or 60 people. They past two weeks we have had 94, and 98. WOW!!! The work of the Lord is real!!! we have seen so many miracles and so many people move their lives. In two weeks the ward will move to the new warehouse which is bigger, and move spacious, with a soccer field in the front. The members are excited and really helping us. For example, yesterday we had 4 lessons with members present, and tomorrow we have 5 different members that are going to go on spilts with us. During the week we have members calling us "Elder,how are your numbers.. how are your baptisms, investagators." It is awesome. So everyone please pray I can stay here in Anhanguera! Please pray that I can prepare for all the things we have to do! We have 4 more baptisms this week!! The work is amazing. I love it!! I have never been happier, never been more excited and motivated!! I love you all, thanks for all the support, love and prayers. This work cant be stop! It is like a rock rolling down a mountain!!
Elder Olsen

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