I agree with Mikey, when you get over 1 year on the mission it looks like no one likes to write anymore, but hey its part of the deal. This week was amazing!! It was one of the greatest weeks on my mission. It was really awesome because we had 4 baptisms!!!! It was really amazing! I had alot of special expeineces this week that really changed my life! Well i will share two really quickly. first is that on friday i went to anhanguera and did some interviews, anhanguera is my first area, where i stayed for 8 months. well i am not sure if you all remember jose milton and his family.. they are the family of 5 that i baptized when i was there towards the end, well when i was there i didnt baptized one of the daugthers.. she had had a problem and didnt want to be baptized, and how it was the first transfer that i was senior i wasnt a very good missionary so i just let her go and just baptized the parents and the other 2 daughters. well on friday when i was in anhanguera, all the appoinments feel through, so i decided that we could go to their house and try and teach the daughter. the elder told me that they had already try lots of times, and that ever since i had left the elders had been going there to try and teach her, but she would never accept anything. but i told him that that day she was going to accept. It was a really crazy thing, because i have already dreamed alot of times with this family in the temple, and every time that i have this dream the daughter was never there, and then when i leave she is on the outside and she starts crying and telling me how because i didnt help her be baptized her life was runied. and alot more stuff that has happened since i left anhanguera. so i have always felt really strongly that it was my purpose or calling to baptize her and her family. so we went there and when i got there they didnt believe that i was there. they said that they had been talking about me that day, and all the things that i did to help them. we started of the lesson singing a hymn and then the elder bore his testimony and then let me talk. the spirit was really strong as a testfiyed of eternal families. after teaching about the importance of following the savior, i invited her to be baptized on the next day on saturday. she accepted. it was amazing, everyone was crying so much. so on saturday she and her family went to my area in Jd amanda and i baptized her. it was really awesome!!! the whole family was really happy to see her be baptized. now the whole family are members of the church! I know that they will enter into the temple!!!
On sunday we had 3 more baptisms. It was really amazing!! We have been teaching a part member family for a while. the husband is a member, and his wife was from a different church, and she would always go to church but didnt want to be baptized. on wends. i went there with a member and we taught about the book of mormon, the spirit was really strong and she and her child accepted to be baptized on sunday and they were!! The husband was so happy!! haha, he hasnt recieved the priesthood yet so i had to baptized them, but it was still really amazing!
And Reginaldo was also baptized on sunday. he is sergios friend. sergio is our recent convert that is amazing. he is really excited about the work. our teaching group is basically his friends and family that he has. we are going to try and baptize all of them.
this week we have 3 more baptisms. we are going to help complete another family of the ward. it is going really awesome.
We also have a family of 3 that will be baptized on the 19th. defintely the most beautiful family i have taught. they are way ready for the gospel. they are well off and have 2 children (12 yrs and 4 yrs) on saturday we had stake conference and the dad of the family Edson, he went in a white shirt hhaha, his wife went in a skirt and all dressed up. it was really awesome. they are going to visit the temple tomorrow night with us, and we are going to enter in there with them in one year. they say they cant wait to be baptized.. really they were prepared to hear the gospel!!
I am loving my mission. i am loving everything about my area. please pray for:
Edson, marcia, daneile, elis, tulio, valeska, marcelo, mariana, kasia, maria and carlos. all them have a date for this month, but they will needs lots of prayers!!!!
Hurrah for Israel!!!
Elder Olsen