Wednesday, October 7, 2009

5 Oct 2009

Hello Family,
Wow this week was really awesome! It is really fun to be a trainer! Things are really alot harder when you are training... Things are alot more emotional.. I am trying to be really a good trainer.. but sometimes I dont know what to do. We were practicing some lessons in our study one day, and I was just telling him what he can do better, and he just starting crying, and asked for some alone time.. It went over really smoothly.. After we talked and I just have to be more patiente with him. I just forgot that there is the physical and mental side to mission work.. Elder Aragão is a really good missionary.. he will defintely be a great leader on the mission. He just needs to overcome he shyness... It was really funnny. I told him that we have a rule that everytime we are on the bus, he has to talk in the front of the bus.. The first time, I will not lie it was funny.. he was sweating nervous, and couldnt talk really well, now, he is alot better, he talks. and he is willing to try and talk to everyone in the streets with me. He is defintely not going to stay shy with me. I am making all these really funny goals with him, that are way hard to do, things that he has to do every single day to overcome his shyness. He has to invite at least 3 people on the street to be baptized. talk with at least 12 people everyday. Shoot for joy at least a few times on the street. and we are doing things really funny. He is starting to really like it. At first he didnt like me very much.. he is alot more calm then me, and more shy.. but he is coming out of his shell, and he will be a great missionary. Mikey and Steve I must say that training is like the best thing on the mission. I basically can set the standard of this missionary for his whole mission. So it is way important that we baptize ALOT of people this transfer, to really help him set a high goal on his mission. Well we had one baptism this week, Arthur was baptized. It was really awesome to see him really happy. We have now baptized everyone in his family.. We are now starting to work with his uncles and neighbors. The great thing about the gospel is that everyone sees the difference, so the people always ask, what do they have that I dont.. after they ask this, the work is easy. We have really decicded to work on the families that we already have, and using the people that they know, families, friends, neighbors, and to really help everyone that we baptize have the chance to share the gospel. Milton and his family, gave us some awesome referals, of some uncles and aunts that live on the same street. They loved our message. and loved the church. We are going to baptize 4 of them this week. We are going to just start baptizing one street at a time. haha. Just kidding, well at least we are going to try too. The best moment in missionary work, is when you can leave one appointment in one house. walk next door and teach the next, then the next.. it is really awesome. We are really stressing referals of all our recent converts, and using their familes, friends etc. I am loving it here in Anhanguera. Everyone in the ward was really happy that I stayed one more transfer. I will have 7 and a half months in the same area.. it is crazy. It is crazy to think that I still havent left my first area. I have 8 months on my mission and I am in my first area haha. It is amazing. I love the mission. I am the happiest person in the world, I love this work, Christ leads and helps us when we need it or not, he is always there. Thanks for all the Love and Support. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Elder Tyler James Olsen.
Hurrah for Israel!!

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