Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Elder Olsen Letter 13 May 2009


Hello family!! It was so great to talk to you all on Mother´s day! It was so great to hear everyone´s voices, and to hear that everyone is doing great! I am so happy that everything is going so well! Wow, I am not sure how we managed to pull of me talking to Mikey, but that was really awesome! I can´t believe how fast time goes by! It has been over 3 months since my mission started, I can´t believe it! Transfers are next monday, I am not sure at all what is going to happen, it is crazy, but I really want to stay in my area, so we will see what happens! Well, everything here is amazing! We still have 6 baptisms marked for this week, 5 are for sure going to get baptized, and 1.. well we are still playing it by ear, he wants to be baptized this week, he asked to be, but we are just not sure he is ready to make that commiment.. but chances are he will be baptized too! We have 2 other possibles this week too, we are really working hard to get them baptized the same day, how awesome would that be if we had 8 baptisms in the same day!! that would be really awesome! So we are working really hard with Maria and Mekila, so please pray for them! They don´t have any problems, they are just concerned they aren´t prepared, we are trying everything we can to get them baptized this weekend! Well on Monday started a strike for the bus drivers, and it was only supposed to last 1 day, but we are hearing now it could be anywhere up too a month! So, that is really going to hurt Campinas, because everyone works in the center, about an hour bus ride, and without the bus, they really dont have a way to get to work, we are teaching people that just said they couldnt go to work, because they didnt have a way to get there, and a lady said she had to leave at 5 yesterday to make it to work by 8, so it is an exciting time in the neighborhood! We are really enjoying our week! It is really a crammed packed week, because we have to see all 8 of our baptismal people this week everyday, so it makes for alot of walking, and really stressful, it is great, we are really enjoying it. Tomorrow Marcos and Elizângela will be married in the Center(Campinas) and we found out yesterday that we are going to be able to go! So that is way exciting! I will take lots of photos! Because I am way excited, my first wedding! Everything here is great! I am really enjoying everything, My mission is the best, I love everyday, it is so much fun. I love the language, I am not as good as I want to be!!! But, I work on it every single day! I really wanna be able to talk without a lack of words stopping me, but as if right now, that is happening, So.. I need to work harder! Well, everyone thanks so much for your prayers, the power of prayer is amazing! It is the one thing investagators can do to know the church is true, it is awesome! God answers our prayers, It is true. The coolest part about a mission is seeing lifes change. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me, and what life I get to be a part of while it changes, I am so excited for today, tomorrow, and the rest of my mission! Thanks for all the love and support, know that I pray for all of you every single day! I love you all! I love this Church, this gospel, Especially Jesus Christ! I love him, he suffered for all of our sins, he suffered for all the we suffer through everyday, his love is infinite. 2 Nep 31:16-20. I love you all, I love my mission! Keep writing and supporting me!

Love, Elder Olsen #3

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