Wow, This week has been great! I am so excited to be serving a mission! Seriously I cannot believe how much the Lord blesses us. Sunday, well, was probably my roughest day as a missionary. My companion was sick, and we were supposed to have 10 investagators really interested in the gospel at church. Well, in the morning we started are"round up" of investagators, and all the sudden they all starting falling through, I am not sure if you remember Paula and her children walace and jenifer, Well they moved.... Like in the middle of the night without telling anyone, I think that I told a little about her on Mother´s day, but she was really interested in the gospel, but the man she lived with is really abusive and drinks ALOT! So, we went there, and he said that she had gone back to São Paulo, in the middle of the night and stuff, so I am thinking that he probably beat her and she had enough so got up and left, I am really happy for her, it is defintely for the better, they had barely any food, and lived in extremely humbling conditions, I just really hope that she looks up the church there in Sao Paulo, because that is the only way to happiness. And all our other investagator´s just feel through, we ended up having no one at church, which was really hard, and add on the fact that my companion was sick, so we had to return to the house early because he didnt feel good, it was by far the hardest day of my mission. But the Lord blesses us through our trials, because Monday night we were able to mark 4 baptisms for the 13th of June, and we have 4 others that are seriously going to be baptized the 13th too! So, we are really excited about the 13th! We really wanna try and break the record for most baptisms in one day on the mission! So we are going to work really hard this week to get ATON of people on church on Sunday so they can qualify for the 13th! My area is going awesome, I am really enjoying my Brasilian companion ELder Garcia, my portuguese is improving amazing with him, because I cannot speak english ever, It is really weird... Like I didn´t speak english for a week, that is really weird.. But it is awesome! We are going to start speaking english together so he can learn English, he can already speak a little, so I am going to help him learn, he is extremely smart, his goal is to study at MIT, so he is extremely smart. Yesterday at our Zone Meeting, President Castro Deus was there, and he talked about the Atonement, it was so amazing! I seriously loved it so much, he is a spiritual giant! Everyone pray for my area this week, we need miracles to happen to meet our goals! We are really excited about the work, and how it is going!
Justin, graduating? No way, I dont believe it! I got letters today! And Justin´s was in there with the invite for his graduation! Parabêns!
Janessa, wow 16! wow that is awesome, have you started Driver´s ed yet?
Mom, thanks for all the you do! I am so grateful for all that you do!!! Your the best that ever was.
Sammy awesome that you graduated from preschool you are so grown up now! Awesome! I am so happy for you!
I love you all! I am so grateful for your examples that you are too me, thanks for all the love and support that you give every week through letters and prayers!
Remember: Alma 5:14 the 3 questions that are in there. (sorry if they are not exactly word for word I am translating.)
1. Have you been spiritual born of God?
2. Have you recieved the image in your countance? (wow probably wrong, hard word to translate, semblante, mais facíl.)
3. Have you experienced the changed in your hearts?
We have to move first, to have the light of Christ with us, and we must have the desire to move, because the Atonement of Christ, He paid for our sins! Luke 22:39-44 where it talks about the atonement, he went through more than we can explain! Mosiah 5:2 how we can move our lives!
Elder Tyler James Olsen!!!#3
Eu sei que Cristo é Nosso Mestre!